The ability to share documents and forms with prospects, collect completed forms back and have those forms be available under a lead CRM record as well as under the enrolled families portfolio should the family become an enrolled family
when you select a LOST status for a lead, To be able to Track why opportunity was LOST from a series of drop down choices. Franchise can change status to Lost for Prospect and then select the reason for lost. See tab 3.
to be able to track what happens when a prospect is lost
SEE NOTES: When processing a refund via LeadCRM, always record the refund transaction as a balancing adjustment dated 'today' rather than adjusting the orignal transaction.
Protect revenue reporting and esnure consistency for reconciliation while also allowing refunds on any transactions.
Ability to track staff phsysical, first aid training, and CPR training dates against employee profile and generate a report on this to identify those needing to update. See sample from CCM for all key dates which includes DOB.