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Procare Solutions Internal Ideas Portal

Desktop User Suggestions

Showing 316

Procare Connect Parent App - Parents To Mark Child Absent

We would like the ability for parents to mark there child absent for the day through the Proare Parent App. Additionally for an extended period of time say that the child will be gone on vacation.
Guest about 2 months ago in Desktop User Suggestions 0

Bi-weekly Option for Parent Scheduling in MyProcare

Right now, there are only options for weekly or monthly within the Parent Scheduling capability in MyProcare; Caller suggested that bi-weekly would be extremely helpful for staff and parents alike.
Erika Kreider 27 days ago in Desktop User Suggestions 0

Predictive enrollment report

There is a predictive enrollment report w/ schedule for 12 months and there is a detailed predictive enrollment report. The detailed report gives the students names - which is what I am looking for - but it would be very helpful to have that inclu...
Guest 28 days ago in Desktop User Suggestions 0

Procare Layout

It would be nice for procare to a new re-design of the dekstop version with new features and a more user friendly experience to have a better experience.
Guest 29 days ago in Desktop User Suggestions 0

add messenger to the desktop/online/webbrowser version

Please add messenger to the desktop version for parents who cannot have their phone at work. This will be a greatly needed upgrade.
Guest about 1 month ago in Desktop User Suggestions 0

The School should be able to control their own settings

I was not able to control which posts should require admin approval and which shouldn't. The schools should be able to make these decisions themselves and control it under "school settings" instead of having to message the help center.
Guest about 1 month ago in Desktop User Suggestions 0

Sync Allergy Info to online from Desktop and Allergy Icon available online

It would be nice to sync allergy information automatically from the user defined/tracking to the online version as we have to manually enter all of our allergy information. We also would love to have the allergy icon available on the online versio...
Guest 4 months ago in Desktop User Suggestions 0

Time Card Summary with Drill Down Detail Report

Can there be some improvements to this report? For instance I've needed to go back a couple of years to determine how many children attended during a specific year, however, when doing so it generates the report with children who weren't in the sp...
Guest about 1 month ago in Desktop User Suggestions 0

The Procare time card report obliterates the time of the ST column for YTD reports

No description provided
Guest about 1 month ago in Desktop User Suggestions 0

We need you to fix the glitch that we get when parents reregister with MyProcare

We first reported this problem in February of 2024 and it continues to be a problem. When parents process their registration payment on MyProcare after completing the questions we ask, they get a hiccup before their payment goes through. They get ...
Guest about 1 month ago in Desktop User Suggestions 0