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Procare Solutions Internal Ideas Portal
Workspace SCW
Created by Preston Holden
Created on Aug 29, 2024

Add Arizona as an approved state for the Kinderconnect Integration

Kinderconnect is a 3rd party provider that partners with state subsidys to track attendance for subsidy billing. Arizona is an approved state for the Desktop and Online platforms and would like to announce in January that Procare is an approved platform for all 3 platforms.

Product Area Center Management
Are customers at risk of leaving Procare without this item? Yes
Are customers going to competitors for this item? No
How does this impact the customer's business?

Right now, Arizona accepts paper submissions for attendance but would like to move away from this process and only accept electronic submissions for attendance. They will be announcing approved CMS that do electronic submission and encouraging centers to use the approved list.

Requesting Customer AZDES
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