Currently there is no way to unsplit a split family.
Center Name | BVSD |
Due to the back-end structure of the data allowing the ability to un-split a family isn't feasible. If a family desires to no longer be split we suggest withdrawing and deactivating the old account and creating a new account. If parents would like to have access to data from both accounts the parent IDs can be linked.
Here is the link for how to link parent IDs so they have access to multiple accounts within the family portal-
You could possibly bypass the second account creation if you add another field to the duplicate check. We have last name, email and cell phone, that usually hangs them up enough that they call to request assistance and then we catch the previous balance.
Yes, the payment split between parents can always be adjusted.
Is a possible workaround going into the third party tab and changing one of the parents to a non-sponsor and giving the other parent 100%?
The problem that some clients run into with split families is if the parent creates a new account and uses a different email address, they don't have a way of knowing that it's the same parent. This is especially an issue if the old family record has an outstanding balance.