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Procare Solutions Internal Ideas Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Feb 5, 2020

Auto-Pay Email Addresses

It would be helpful from the Auto-Pay Batch screen if there was an export to excel that included the parent information and email address. Currently our program emails those individuals whose payment did not go through. We have to open each individual account and copy and paste the email address.

Center Name University of Missouri
    Feb 5, 2020

    After the auto-pay batch has been created, you can go to the payments > outstanding screen and search for outstanding balances, and auto-pay - only.

    From there you can go to the actions menu and send an email directly from the system to the families that still have balances after the auto-pay batch has been created (these should be the families whose auto-pays failed). If you would like a report that includes email addresses, from the actions menu select the Outstanding Balance- Detail option.

    Screenshots attached are from our demo environment.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Feb 6, 2020

    This is helpful, thank you.