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Procare Solutions Internal Ideas Portal
Status Planned
Workspace Procare Desktop
Categories Enterprise Support
Created by Jesse Hartman
Created on Mar 21, 2024

Linking Primary Classroom to Scheduled Classroom

Several enterprise customers have requested that, if a Scheduled Classroom is configured for a child record and active, that the Primary Classroom of the child record reflect what is scheduled rather than have each data point be separately configurable.

An example that was provided was scheduled rollcall reports versus Child Contract Billing Summary, but this is only one example.

  • One desired outcome would be for reporting to always be consistent. If a child has an active schedule, many reports will use that instead of Primary Classroom but not all reports function like this, and it creates conflicting information.

  • Another desired outcome is to present consistent classroom information for staff. If a staff member checks a child's Information & Relationships the Primary Classroom they see may not necessarily reflect the true classroom assignment the child has. If the staff is not conscious of this, it creates opportunities for confusion beyond just the reporting aspect.

The business need is to have clear and consistent classroom information available to staff whether through any report they choose to run, or through the child's record directly.

Product Area Center Management
Are customers at risk of leaving Procare without this item? No
Are customers going to competitors for this item? No
How does this impact the customer's business?

Currently the child record and reporting functionality provides opportunities for confusion and incorrect information due to the possibility of Primary Classroom and Scheduled Classroom data points being different.

Requesting Customer Kiddie Academy - 51888000, Endeavor Schools - 95003907
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    Zack Marty
    Sep 16, 2024

    This back and forth updating sounds like it could just create more confusion for people. Would it be easier if they can just see things that are schedule and things that are primary. We could add a field that shows both. That way if my scheduled classroom is different than my primary classroom, I can quickly see that they're different.

    Many centers will have kids in one big classroom during drop off, so they will be scheduled for Drop off room from 7am-8am, and then they will be in Primary Classroom from 8am-5pm.

  • Jesse Hartman
    Sep 13, 2024

    I proposed a hypothetical solution to both Kiddie Academy and Endeavor to get a better sense for what they needed this feature to do:

    A checkbox would appear under certain conditions inside of the Child Schedule Detail window:

    • Would be visible in the Create/Edit Schedule Detail window if both following conditions are true

      • Schedule Start Date is greater than the current date (a future schedule)

      • All classrooms listed in the Schedule Detail window are the same

    • When that schedule would become active it will set the child's Primary Classroom to the room that appears on the Schedule Detail window

    Attached is a mockup of what it might look like. In this example, the child's Primary Classroom would, on 5/2/2025, become set to Toddlers Room.

    Endeavor said that this would not help them because they utilize ‘soft’ transition schedules where the dates entered into the schedules are not always 100% accurate. They had envisioned a ‘real-time’ link between Scheduled and Primary where if the schedule was changed, it would update the primary, and vice versa which would reduce the time spent setting up and maintaining child records.

    Kiddie Academy said that this hypothetical would be very helpful for a lot of situations but would not solve for all of the problems they are running into:

    It would be very helpful for existing schools to maintain records with fewer steps

    It would not solve for schools performing their initial setup which is where there is a higher margin for error since the user is likely new to the software and/or has multiple distractions and other things going.

    For both cases, a solution where the primary and scheduled classrooms are continuously linked would be the most ideal scenario.