Requesting that something is added to the payment authorization form so that when parents fill it out, it lets them know that credit cards may be assessed a fee and to check with their center for more information.
Product Area | Payments |
Are customers at risk of leaving Procare without this item? | No |
Are customers going to competitors for this item? | No |
How does this impact the customer's business?
Hopefully increases visibility and prevents unhappy parents from reaching out to the center or doing a chargeback. |
Requesting Customer | Premier Early Childhood Education, 97349767 |
Additional feedback from the customer
This would be extremely helpful in payers being made aware of the fee in the moment, rather than acknowledging the fee on the registration and forgetting about the fee when filling out the payment authorization months later
Kama`aina Kids Preschool 10859000
Also interested
Specifically in terms of a Tech Fee - not surcharge