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Procare Solutions Internal Ideas Portal
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 31, 2024

Enrollment Confirmation Prompts

Hello Procare, So after chatting with another director who also uses Procare we would very much like to request a confirmation button if we register a new child and assign them a class but not add an enrollment date and visa versa. Also we would like to request a prompt if we are entering a child's dates in each class but make a mistake in the dates leaving the child unenrolled for a period of time. We agreed it is the most nerve-wracking thing to enter a child for the next 4 years and worry you put the dates wrong without any back up checking your math. Or to enter a child's class dates but NOT enrolling them or visa versa. This simple oversight costs enrollment to be off which is impactful to the teachers, the state ratios and families you have taken deposits from. It's a teeny easy-to-make mistake with year long, expensive and unprofessional consequences. I know there is always the prompt to print a receipt after a payment is made so I feel a prompt can be created for these really impactful and crucial areas as well. Directors are so busy and pulled a million ways, distracted at every turn so if there is a way to double check our entries it would be hugely helpful. I am happy to discuss further and I really appreciate your consideration. Feel free to run it past Tucker. ?Thank you,Dawn Curtis

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