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Procare Solutions Internal Ideas Portal
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 31, 2025

Time Card Summary with Drill Down Detail Report

Can there be some improvements to this report? For instance I've needed to go back a couple of years to determine how many children attended during a specific year, however, when doing so it generates the report with children who weren't in the specific classroom filtered during the specific date range listed. For example, I need to look back at how many grade school children attended in 2022 & 2023 however it includes children that weren't even in school during those 2 years - they were in preschool - but they are in Kindergarten currently. I'm assuming it includes these children because that is their current listed classroom. This isn't helpful when I need an accurate count for specific prior years for specific classrooms. Please let me know if there is a better report to use of if there are ways around this issue. Thank you!

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