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Procare Solutions Internal Ideas Portal
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Created by Sirah Brautigam
Created on Dec 13, 2024

Ability to have Volunteers or Visitors Sign in and Out

There have been many scenarios over time where a center needs to have someone enter their facility and track the sign in and out. The current workarounds we provide is creating a child called volunteer and have the people listed as parents, or creating a generic staff profile for these people to sign in and out. Centers find it valuable to be able to have a quick and easy way to have volunteers, visitors or vendors SISO without all the hassle of creating unnecessary profiles and managing the pins for them.

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  • Sirah Brautigam
    Dec 13, 2024

    BAM - 29171330 "I just met with Chanda for her Kickoff meeting. She said that she wants to have all visitors to the building sign in and out so she can have a record of who came and went with arrival times and departure times. There are many, many people who will be doing this including staff, case workers, people who are interviewing, etc. The only thing I could think of for doing this would be for someone to add each person as a staff person so a staff PIN would be generated. Someone would then need to give that person their PIN to sign in and out. Chanda does not think this would be a good option. This is a deal breaker for her."