For employee Requirements, not everything is due annually. Physicals are due every 3 years. Background checks are due every 5 years. It would be very helpful if we could customize those times when setting up the Requirements. Thank you!
Allow for reports and data dumps of activities other than meals for cacfp
We need at times to check and report for auditors our meal activity and need to be able to export the details. the view in the system is summarized and does not provide the details we or the auditors need. We also need to be able to do analysis of...
I have always been able to pull an Enrollment Report telling me the income and enrollment number status per child for each month. Now all of a sudden it is pulling all my summer kids and adding that income and headcount with the regular report. Ve...
Need the ability to unlock Tuition Express deposit reports to correct error (wrong bank accout)
Mistakes happen. Tuition Express deposit reports are locked and cannot be corrected. I understand why the amounts should not be changed, but what happens when the bank account is wrong? I can't balance my bank account, for one.
I have eight centers with Procare. I like to be informed of what is happening at each one of them on a regular basis. I can do that by accesing each one and looking at the reports. It would be nice however, having the program sending a customized ...
Can you please create a 5 day sign in and out sheet per classroom, with "Time", "Signature" and "Legal Name of the Signer" per each event (Sign in and out) for each child.
stop assuming siblings have the same pick-up people
When authorized pickup people for children move from procare desktop to the procare web, the system assumes that the children have the same pickup people - This is not always true. Assuming this to be true creates a difficult situation as the chil...