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Procare Solutions Internal Ideas Portal

Primrose Private Ideas

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Ability to pre-select and mark read only for specific fields within documents. (Example: On a state form where the type of care center must be selected, pre-select child care and lock from editing)

Ensure efficenicy and accuracy throughout process
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Digital Enrollment 0

Ability to partially fill documents or forms and submit to parents for completion

Ensure efficenicy and accuracy throughout process, shorten and simplify process for parents.
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Digital Enrollment 0 Planned

Ability to manage withdrawal reason options from the corporate portal

1.When a lead status is changed to 'Lost', the user is required to choose a reason from a corporate managed drop-down list 2. If a 'withdrawal date' is added to a student profile, the use is required to choose a reason from a corporate managed dro...
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Corporate Portal 0 Planned

Ability to leave and return to forms in progress and pick up where I left off

Allows me to avoid having to re-do certain activities if I get pulled away
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Digital Enrollment 0

Ability to immediately understand which lead conacts were excluded due to having ubsubscribed upon sending a batch email

Ensure I am able to understand who to contact by other means or move to another status
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / CRM 0

Ability to identify within the application UI that there are completed form/document submisssions to review

I can ensure my team is quick to review and accept submissions
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Digital Enrollment 0 Planned

Ability to identify from within a lead record whether a parent has unsubscribed from Lead CRM emails

I can know that an email will not reach them and can contact them through other means
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / CRM 0

Ability to hide/exclude fields not relevant on a certain document

Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Digital Enrollment 0

Printable Sign In Sheets

Ability to generate school sign in sheets organized alphabetically for the whole school and not by classroom Meet requirements of Illinois and others - front desk paper sign in Select an option to include DOB on classroom or school sign-in/attenda...
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Attendance 0 Planned

Ability to generate a transition report for a specific classoom or multiple classrooms

Clearly report in the history of child movement throughout the day(s)
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Reporting 0