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Procare Solutions Internal Ideas Portal

Online Ideas Workspace

Showing 178

Include a traditional semi-monthly (custom option like in reports) option for billing

This is useful for centers that are trying to align their billing plans with parents who get paid semi-monthly. I have had several centers that have asked for this. The current workaround is for centers to bill by a week and a half, but it ends up...
Kelli Boreson 6 months ago in Online Ideas Workspace / OL - Billing & Accounting 0

Remove $0 charges from recurring attendance plans

This center has many possible charges in their recurring attendance plans, and it's overwhelming for them and parents to see all of the charges when many of them are $0. They'd like $0 charges to be hidden from the invoice and from reporting.
Kelly Kohlhagen 6 months ago in Online Ideas Workspace / OL - Billing & Accounting 2

Prevent payment from OL to Quickbooks integration

When using the Quickbooks Integration, the customer is requesting that an option be created to prevent or disable payments from syncing over when using the Quickbboks Integration. Customer would like the ability to just sync over charges, and prev...
Gregory Wilson 3 months ago in Online Ideas Workspace / Tuition Express/Payments 0

Bulk Download Photo Activities

Parents would like an easy way to bulk download media from the app/site rather than having to download photos one by one.
Shannon Nowak 6 months ago in Online Ideas Workspace / OL - Daily Activities 0

Additional permissions for OL/FE

It would be helpful if Online and Family Engagement had a more granular permissions breakdown to allow Admins to set more specific permissions for users.It does not have to match the level of options Desktop has, but more options would be extremel...
Beth Carlin 3 months ago in Online Ideas Workspace / OL - Permissions 0

Enhancement to 15-minute Ratio report

Customer would like the 15-minute interval ratio report to also have student count, teacher name, and teacher SISO times. This would be incredibly beneficial for their reporting needs for licensing.
Jesse Hartman 3 months ago in Online Ideas Workspace / OL - Reports 0

Optional Messaging when Newsletters are sent

Customer would like to see an option when sending newsletters that would also send an SMS or in-app message to the recipients to remind them to check their email for the newsletter.
Jesse Hartman 3 months ago in Online Ideas Workspace / OL - Newsletters 0

Offline payment log - choose date

Ability to choose the date that is logged when entering a cash or check payment manually. Currently, it only logs the dare that you enter it manually, but customers would like to be able to indicate when they received the payment.
Rachel Haver 3 months ago in Online Ideas Workspace / Tuition Express/Payments 0

more options on student schedule and a report on schedules.

I have had many clients ask about a schedule for their students but the way it is now most do not find helpful. Need to be able to add specific times to the schedule. Also, wants a report that would show all students schedules.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Online Ideas Workspace / OL - Student Data 9

Allow Customers to approve Admin Approval Items

Currently, implementation or support has to add items in QB for admin approval. This is a waste of time for us and would be much better left in the hands of our customers.
Zachary Keith 7 months ago in Online Ideas Workspace / OL - Permissions 0