Need Improved scaling in DT for Computer monitors that are scaled up higher above 100%
Currently in DT, certain screen such as Myprocare New imports or Deposit report will lose their features and buttons when the user, ( usually on a laptop) increases the monitors Scale settings greater than 100%. For older users who have vision iss...
On the MyProcare registration form, you can add a gender selection. However, there are only 2 options. Customers would like to see "prefer not to say" or "other" as a 3rd option. This would make the form more accessible and useful for centers.
Kiddie Academy uses ledger lock to close their books every Friday. When Payments are made by families over Saturday and Sunday, they are posted to a 'closed' week which causes them to have to reopen their ledger for that time period. Ideally they ...
Customer would like an option inside of Desktop that would allow them to clear all Tuition Express profiles for all families at once. At the end of each year they want to easily clear profiles and collect newly completed authorization forms from t...
Change 4006 Error message within MyProcare to be more descriptive
The 4006 error message as presented on is a very confusing error message as it advises to call into Tuition Express support but this is a step that actually must be completed by the center, not the parents who see the error message l...
Customer maintains a fee assistance program and the fees are tied to unique IDs that are created and maintained in a third party platform. The unique ID that they are using from their vendor has been applied to child records within Desktop in the ...
Customer maintains a fee assistance program and the fees are tied to unique IDs that are created and maintained in a third party platform. The school district is going to be implementing an automated process by which families can apply for fee ass...
Ability to Move Inactive Procare Users or Hide Them
With the turn around at centers these days the Procare Users section can get very crowded and there is no current way to reorganize users or hide users that are no longer working for the center. Customers have suggested that it would be helpful if...
Customer uses Dayforce as their time and attendance solution, and need to have a connection with Desktop where they can sync attendance data in real time so that the information on their dashboard (engagement) is accurate. Ideally it would be from...