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Procare Solutions Internal Ideas Portal

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PINNED Registration - Gender
The gender identity field is limited as only "Male, Female, or Unassigned" can be selected at the time of registration. Some current clients and potential ones have expressed the need for the ability to list additional gender identities.

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Notification to leadership if a child attends on a day they are not scheduled

Maintain visibility if a child is signed in on a date they are not scheduled to attend so the school can bill them appriopriately
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Attendance 0

link child program/classroom/status to contract charges - no separate contract charge entry (if one changes, they all require updating or update automatically.)

Remove errors where active children aren't being charged because the contract charge is missing and link schedule to billing to ensure accurate FTE
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Accounting/Billing 0

Lead Lists, Lead Reports should all be Prospect name, Contact info., child's name. Prospect is who the school is contacting through a CRM, not the child/student.

High Priority. Can possibly be helped with prospect form built as needed in KL.
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / CRM 0

Lead List. Have parent name, child name, contact info; phone number and email. Ability to sort each of these columns on the lead list.

Easier to navigate/sort leads when working through them
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / CRM 0

Improve UX for Parent Connection - Newsletters

FO/Leadership is able to easily review and select from/use email templates populted by the corp portal - Edits to those templates for each send (adding images, links, signature, etc.) is easy an intuitive
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Parent Communication 0

Improve UX for messaging

Leadership with permissions do not need to visit multiple areas to send a message
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Parent Communication 0

Improve UX for Lead CRM email

FO/Leadership is able to easily review and select from/use email templates populted by the corp portal - Edits to those templates for each send (adding images, links, signature, etc.) is easy an intuitive
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / CRM 0

Improve UX for activity management

Leadership is able to review, edit, approve, or delete group activities as a single entry
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Activities 0

Geostamp completed form and document submissions

Security driven
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Digital Enrollment 0

For staff managing student attendance and sign in/out - when sign out is clicked provide a pop-up asking �You are about to clock children out. Are you sure you want to proceed?�

Avoid accidental sign outs throughout the day
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Attendance 0