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Procare Solutions Internal Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Registration - Gender
The gender identity field is limited as only "Male, Female, or Unassigned" can be selected at the time of registration. Some current clients and potential ones have expressed the need for the ability to list additional gender identities.

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Showing 1066

link the kidz day app to work with daycare works

There is a parent app called My Kidz Day, if Daycareworks/Schoolcareworks could work with them to link the systems so that parent information is input into that system. The parent app is for portfolio's and assessments, as well as sending home pic...
Guest almost 5 years ago in SCW 0 Will not implement

Outstanding Payment and manually posting late payment fees

Previously we have been able to checkbox a family then click on the next family to look at their ledger, then use the back button to go back to our outstanding report and the previous families remain checked. This in not the case now. We have to w...
Guest almost 5 years ago in SCW 0 Will not implement

Parents would like to be able to upload required medical/program documents in the parent portal

Our summer camps require both immunizations and a well-child statement/physical. Parents usually mail the paper copies. This would eliminate a large amount of wait time for required documents. It would also allow parents to upload behavior plans, ...
Guest almost 5 years ago in SCW 0 Already exists

There is nowhere in the provider connect system that provides documentation of the enrollment/registration confirmation questions the families agree to. We need to be able to provide proof of the questions they agreed to with a date and signature (which also does not exist).

Right now we cannot use this feature without documentation of the questions, date they agreed, and electronic signature.
Guest almost 5 years ago in SCW 0 Already exists

It would be helpful to have the ability to require more than 2 contacts on the registration form.

We require that families provide 3 emergency contacts. Currently, we can only require two through the registration form and have to ask families to manually add the third through the portal. It is difficult to track whether or not they have done so.
Guest almost 5 years ago in SCW 0 Will not implement

It would be great if we could have the ability to inactivate a room category/rooms.

We have rooms and room categories that we no longer use that are mixed in with our active rooms. This would help clean up that screen.
Guest almost 5 years ago in SCW 1 Already exists

Email ability between Admin, Site Staff & Parents going in and out

Better communication giving parents the ability to email site staff and vice a versa, as well as site staff and admins being able to email through DCW.
Guest almost 5 years ago in SCW 0 Will not implement

I am looking for a report to determine staffing based on actual child attendance and child/staff ratio. The excel sheet that I have attached is close to what I need but doesn't account for the ratios. I am looking to only staff for what I need based on the ages of the children at a specific time. For example, if I have 10 children at 6:00am if they were all preschoolers I would only need 1 staff member. However, if they were all infants I would need 3 staff members. I need a report that shows the best(least number of staff needed at any given time based on the ages of the children. For this report I do not care what time staff are clocking in and out now. I am trying to determine when they should be. I spoke to Karen and Mary about this today if you need further clarification. I am willing to pay for this report if it can be created.

We need to determine if staffing is correct at our centers. If we are overstaffed it is costing our business money. If we are understaffed it violates DHE regulations.
Guest almost 5 years ago in SCW 1 Will not implement

PDF code updates

A client is requesting gender unassigned codes for the PDF has well as boxes to be checked for different households in addition to mother and father such as Father/Father Mother/Mother Mother/Father (Separate households)
Guest almost 5 years ago in SCW 0 Will not implement

Auto-Pay Email Addresses

It would be helpful from the Auto-Pay Batch screen if there was an export to excel that included the parent information and email address. Currently our program emails those individuals whose payment did not go through. We have to open each indivi...
Guest almost 5 years ago in SCW 1 Already exists