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Procare Solutions Internal Ideas Portal

Digital Enrollment

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Ability to share an electronic form with enrolling families to capture information to be automatically filled to the family profile

I can drive enrollment and work to fill the school coming out of the coronavirus pandemic
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Digital Enrollment 0

Ability to set specified admin users to receive email notifications of completed submissions by parents

I can ensure my team is quick to review and accept submissions
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Digital Enrollment 0

Ability to review and save submitted form details and documents to family portfolios or request updates to correct certain details before resubmitting.

Ensure efficenicy and accuracy throughout process
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Digital Enrollment 0 Planned

Ability to receive notifications of expiring documents & report on them

I can follow up with families to obtain current documentation
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Digital Enrollment 0

Ability to pre-select and mark read only for specific fields within documents. (Example: On a state form where the type of care center must be selected, pre-select child care and lock from editing)

Ensure efficenicy and accuracy throughout process
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Digital Enrollment 0

Ability to partially fill documents or forms and submit to parents for completion

Ensure efficenicy and accuracy throughout process, shorten and simplify process for parents.
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Digital Enrollment 0 Planned

Ability to leave and return to forms in progress and pick up where I left off

Allows me to avoid having to re-do certain activities if I get pulled away
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Digital Enrollment 0

Ability to identify within the application UI that there are completed form/document submisssions to review

I can ensure my team is quick to review and accept submissions
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Digital Enrollment 0 Planned

Ability to hide/exclude fields not relevant on a certain document

Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Digital Enrollment 0

Ability to convert standardized forms for state or local agencies automatically into a fillable web form that fills in and makes available the completed standard form in PDF format

Allow me to electronically handle all required forms with families while still producing completed required documents
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Digital Enrollment 0