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Procare Solutions Internal Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Registration - Gender
The gender identity field is limited as only "Male, Female, or Unassigned" can be selected at the time of registration. Some current clients and potential ones have expressed the need for the ability to list additional gender identities.

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Showing 1059

CCAP Batch Recon job for Littleton Public Schools to be adjusted to have parent managed days posted to the CCAP Ledger versus Parent Ledger.

Littleton will not have to manually transfer all the daily fees and place on the CCAP ledger therefore making monthly recon easier
Tammy Schroeder over 4 years ago in SCW 0 Will not implement

Allow client ability to update FTEs

They have frequent changes to their FTEs that need to be updated. Currently have to send information to DCW team whenever an update is needed
Rachel Kingstrom over 4 years ago in SCW 0

On the Contactless check in/out using the Insite Connect APP could it be possible to see the PIN number of the person checking in or out a child? Currently you see the username on the account. If a contact or the second guardian check in or out we only see the primary guardians username as the person checking in or out.

this is a safety and legal issue. If records are requested we cannot say exactly who picked up or dropped off that child
Guest over 4 years ago in SCW 0 Will not implement

Notice of withdrawal field

At this time we cannot record if sufficient notice has been given. We would like a place holder to hold this data, ie Notice requirement met and/or a date field (records date when checked).
Guest over 4 years ago in SCW 1 Will not implement

Change Enrollment Report

A summary Report that is from procare, that we would like the logic added to DCW to maintain the same reporting example below School Status Count ABC centre Drop-In 136 Enrolled 215 Graduated 120 Leave of Absense 46 Never started 50 Re-Enrol...
Guest over 4 years ago in SCW 0 Will not implement

Multiple Locations per child/family for digital sign in/out

An option for multiple locations per child/family for contactless digital sign in/out
Guest over 4 years ago in SCW 0 Already exists

Set up an alert for when batch jobs fail

When a batch job runs but fails, the client often reports the issue to DCW after seeing that a batch process hasn't completed. Example: Billing batch job runs but fails; no billing posts to parent ledgers. DCW should be alerted when a batch proces...
Rachel Kingstrom over 4 years ago in SCW 0

Make electronic signature required for all returning families

Electronic signature is required on registration for both new and returning families. We would like to add electronic signature as a requirement on the reconfirmation prompt to ensure that all returning families submit electronic signatures when u...
Rachel Kingstrom over 4 years ago in SCW 0 Already exists

Add filters to reports--client has added several new sites, in different states and under different subsidiaries. Is looking for several reports to have a filter for state and subsidiary, to be able to collect data for a specific set of centers.

Several reports are not able to be filtered and can only be run for business level or one site; this will allow reporting to be done for a specific set of sites. Allows greater flexibility in the reports that are already created.
Leanne Scope over 4 years ago in SCW 1

Client request-At time of initial registration client is requiring all immunizations to be entered however due to each state having different requirements - the parents are able to just put one immunization in the field and continue with registration. They would like this updated their specific State requirements (Washington)

This new feature would save the client valuable time. They would spend less time contacting parents and having them either upload their immunizations or inputting info for parent.
Tammy Schroeder over 4 years ago in SCW 0