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Procare Solutions Internal Ideas Portal

Internal Facing

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Myprocare Cache Busting - Force cookie refresh for all devices in regular periods regularly has issues with user logins and Hold That Pose errors related to invalid cookies. This is a frequent cause of Support calls and leads to a poor customer experience, especially because the service is primarily used by Parent...
Preston Holden 6 days ago in Procare Desktop / Internal Facing 0

MyProcare — Add Sibling To Existing Account

During the registration period, it is frustrating for some families who are unable to add a sibling as a new child when they already have an existing account. To manually enter the siblings does not give them the ease-of-access they are needing wi...
Taylor Swaney about 1 month ago in Procare Desktop / Internal Facing 2 Will Not Implement

Modernize Introducing MyProcare (MP01) Template

The Introducing Myprocare letter (MP01) is outdated. The branding displays the old Tucker, and the verbiage for the buttons parents are to press is incorrect. Additionally, there is no mention of viewing financial reports on
Zachary Keith 2 months ago in Procare Desktop / Internal Facing 0 In Review

Enhancement to IKS extra / LIB

The underlying issue is that the customer uses IKS in order to import registrations into Myprocare, but when they do so all of the imports arrive with the same time/date, so they are unable to prioritize the registrations in the order they were re...
Jesse Hartman 11 days ago in Procare Desktop / Internal Facing 1 In Review

Provide Archive of Print Electronic Agreement

Customer would like access to previously completed Recurring Payment Forms. For example, if a Chargeback is submitted, but it was in regards to the 2nd to last card where they filled out the electronic form and not the current card where they fill...
Beth Carlin 4 months ago in Procare Desktop / Internal Facing 2 Will Not Implement

Desktop KinderSystems Integration Request: Washington

Premier has requested Washington be added to the list of states where the integration is available.Premier uses Desktop + Engage. Salesforce Breakdown 513 Current Desktop Customers (in Washington but not necessarily using KinderSystems) Enterprise...
Beth Carlin 19 days ago in Procare Desktop / Internal Facing 0 Planned

Desktop KinderSystems Integration Request: Ohio

The Nest has requested Ohio be added to the list of states where the KinderSystems Integration is available.The Nest uses Desktop + Engage. Salesforce breakdown for Ohio 773 Current Desktop Customers (In Ohio but not necessarily using KinderSystem...
Beth Carlin 19 days ago in Procare Desktop / Internal Facing 0 Planned

Archive/Filter for Tracking Items

Customer would like a way to archive or hide Tracking Items. Management of Tracking Items is not an area of system configuration that is used frequently, but it needs to be managed every time they acquire a new school. Old, previously used Trackin...
Jesse Hartman 20 days ago in Procare Desktop / Internal Facing 1 Planned

Archive/Filter for Enrollment Statuses

Customer would like a way to archive or hide enrollment statuses. Management of enrollment statuses is not an area of system configuration that is used frequently, but it needs to be managed every time they acquire a new school. Old, previously us...
Jesse Hartman 20 days ago in Procare Desktop / Internal Facing 1 Planned

Add email field to setup wizard System Supervisor profile

When creating the first non-Admin system supervisor there's no place to include an email. This means that when we go to sync engagement functionality the primary user's profile doesn't attach to the profile from DT leading to attendance issues. We...
Courtney Iversen 6 months ago in Procare Desktop / Internal Facing 0 Planned