website needs to be updated for use with a phone browser for online registrations
This is a big issue for us - this has been an issue many times - families are thinking they registered and we never receive the registration. Or after they spend time completing all the information on the registration form, they get a message "sor...
Able to Edit Email address on Patient Statement per Classroom
Right now my patient statements read another person's email address in the agency that goes for all classrooms. However I need my email address to be showing for just my particular filtered classroom. I wish we had this option
link the child information user field with the accounts user field when entering in the information
It would be very helpful when entering the child information on the user field with the accounts user field for the same tag line item. For example, we have a field for parent occupation in both the child and account area. Entering in one area and...
Increase field length of Child Name in the Customer Statements
In the Standard Customer Statement, the length of the field in the header for the Child Name is too short. The name is being truncated by the placement of the Primary Classroom next to it. We have a parent who says this will compromise submission ...
Phone Numbers in Desktop Don't Update Inside Desktop
Hi, when I change a phone number (cell phone) in the desktop database it does not pull that information into the text messaging dialogue box. Hey engineers - that's some lazy coding!
Customer would like to have an option to sort the Child Enrollment Summary corporate report by school code (e.g. S1, S2, S3, etc.) Module/Asset – FD Desired Fields – Same as current report Parameters/Filters – Same as current report but with a sor...
It would be really great if we could specifically code absences with reasons like Late Arrival, Medical Absence, Illness, etc! Then, having a report to give us specific numbers associated with this code