The gender identity field is limited as only "Male, Female, or Unassigned" can be selected at the time of registration. Some current clients and potential ones have expressed the need for the ability to list additional gender identities.
FO/Leadership is able to easily review and select from/use email templates populted by the corp portal - Edits to those templates for each send (adding images, links, signature, etc.) is easy an intuitive
For staff managing student attendance and sign in/out - when sign out is clicked provide a pop-up asking �You are about to clock children out. Are you sure you want to proceed?�
Ensure all critical data points are captured against families, staff, and leads through new and existing fields with certain items being mandatory to collect
Important/required information can be printed on the appropriate documents, viewed within the app/website at the school, and accessed via the API for business analysis
Reporting List: CCM Provided schools the ability to modify these reports . Active Lead List, Average Status in Days, Average Status Transition Time, Lead Child Birthday, Lead Sources, Loss & Conversion, Oldest Statuses, Status By Month, Tours ...
Create a deposit ticket report to show all payments (sorted by type) posted to accounts on specified date
creates a control to ensure all payments are accounted for each day as well as allows easier reconciliation of when payments were accepted and can be expected to be deposited into bank account