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Procare Solutions Internal Ideas Portal

Procare Desktop

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Add email field to system supervisor creation in setup wizard

when creating the initial system supervisor it'd be wonderful to enable them to put in an email. this way, when we enable family enegagement, they're already mapped and won't have sync errors right off the bat.
Courtney Iversen over 2 years ago in Procare Desktop / Internal Facing 0

Voids- show the information that is entered on the void screen

Customer would like to be able to see information that is added when a void is done on a transaction on the parent ledger. Maybe it is added to the comments, or a 2nd line is created for the actual void transaction and comments?
Leanne Scope over 2 years ago in Procare Desktop / External 0

Option for formula billing to ignore school close days

User would like the option to charge students for days they are scheduled, and the school is scheduled to be closed.
Owen Carlson over 2 years ago in Procare Desktop / External 0 In Review

Enhance deposit summary report

Would like to be able to see on a report all deposits in the month, with date deposit closed in Procare, and which bank it was coded to in Procare. Could be done 1 of 2 ways: 1) On the current Deposit Summary Report, include the bank that the depo...
Leanne Scope over 2 years ago in Procare Desktop / External 0 Future consideration

Rounding on Time Card Summary

Center would like to see time card rounding on time card summary reports
Owen Carlson over 2 years ago in Procare Desktop / External 0 Will Not Implement

Add Proxy awareness for DT, captcha, release schedule

Customer at this center wants proxy awareness and would help significantly. He is saying releases affect his computer and needs to re-setup his firewall rules every time. His other suggestion was for the release process let customer know in advanc...
Andrew Schreiber over 2 years ago in Procare Desktop / Internal Facing 1 Will Not Implement

Better organization of stored merged letters

When using merged letter. If a center chooses a saved letter, they see all letters that have been stored. The problem is that if its a multi site, they see all stored letters for all sites, which is very cumbersome to have to scroll between Letter...
Gregory Wilson over 2 years ago in Procare Desktop / Internal Facing 0 Will Not Implement

Recurring Payments options ACH/CC

Procare should restrict the user from being able to select ACH or CC from the Recurring Payments Request feature. Current model will present check boxes, proposed solution is to fold this configuration into TE01 or similar support download, giving...
Shannon Nowak over 2 years ago in Procare Desktop / Internal Facing 0 Future consideration

Allow employees to request time-off, management accept or deny time-off request, and a calendar to manage/track approved time-off.

The idea came from a Kids 'R' Kids owner with two locations. She has DT+PE and would like a way to manage her employee's time-off request. The idea was added under DT mainly because data syncs from DT to PE.
Anna Leichter over 2 years ago in Procare Desktop / Internal Facing 0 In Review

Unified Logging Library for Procare

What: create a library that compiles to a .dll that can used on all projects. Why: This will help in triaging issues coming from customers. Save time and resources investigating. Logs are lacking consistency, details, ability to set different lo...
Deleted User over 6 years ago in Procare Desktop 1 Will Not Implement