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Procare Solutions Internal Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Registration - Gender
The gender identity field is limited as only "Male, Female, or Unassigned" can be selected at the time of registration. Some current clients and potential ones have expressed the need for the ability to list additional gender identities.

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Showing 1054

Age report for the whole school broken down by classroom which can be run for a specific date in the past or future and provide the students' ages AS OF that date - Availabile within the CRM and for enrolled Families

So that I can understand which students will need to be in which classrooms as of a specific date allowin gme to determine where I have openings for enrollent
Jack Pearson about 4 years ago in Primrose Private Ideas / Reporting 0

Date Specific Age Requirements are in months, does not make sense since older children are grouped by grade.

Age in months doesn't work because rooms are defined by grades
Mike Mercer about 4 years ago in SCW 0 Will not implement

Daily Capacities cannot be customized each day.

This will allow different, more popular days in the calendar to have larger capacities than unpopular days.
Mike Mercer about 4 years ago in SCW 0 Already exists

Add multi-select option for Late Payment Fee override exclusion groups

Currently under Setup-Fees, there is a drop-down menu that states: "Do not charge late fee to this group." For many clients, they have more than one group that they want to exclude from charging the late payment fee, but there is currently no way ...
Rachel Kingstrom about 4 years ago in SCW 0

Separate Check-In Questions from GPS Feature so Health Questions can be answered at home

Safety Concern. Because the parents have to wait until they are within at least 1000 feet of the school to answer the health questions, they are answering them while they are driving . It would be wonderful if this could somehow be disconnected f...
Guest over 4 years ago in SCW 0 Will not implement

CCAP Batch Recon job for Littleton Public Schools to be adjusted to have parent managed days posted to the CCAP Ledger versus Parent Ledger.

Littleton will not have to manually transfer all the daily fees and place on the CCAP ledger therefore making monthly recon easier
Tammy Schroeder over 4 years ago in SCW 0 Will not implement

Allow client ability to update FTEs

They have frequent changes to their FTEs that need to be updated. Currently have to send information to DCW team whenever an update is needed
Rachel Kingstrom over 4 years ago in SCW 0

On the Contactless check in/out using the Insite Connect APP could it be possible to see the PIN number of the person checking in or out a child? Currently you see the username on the account. If a contact or the second guardian check in or out we only see the primary guardians username as the person checking in or out.

this is a safety and legal issue. If records are requested we cannot say exactly who picked up or dropped off that child
Guest over 4 years ago in SCW 0 Will not implement

Notice of withdrawal field

At this time we cannot record if sufficient notice has been given. We would like a place holder to hold this data, ie Notice requirement met and/or a date field (records date when checked).
Guest over 4 years ago in SCW 1 Will not implement

Change Enrollment Report

A summary Report that is from procare, that we would like the logic added to DCW to maintain the same reporting example below School Status Count ABC centre Drop-In 136 Enrolled 215 Graduated 120 Leave of Absense 46 Never started 50 Re-Enrol...
Guest over 4 years ago in SCW 0 Will not implement