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Procare Solutions Internal Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Registration - Gender
The gender identity field is limited as only "Male, Female, or Unassigned" can be selected at the time of registration. Some current clients and potential ones have expressed the need for the ability to list additional gender identities.

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Showing 1065

Schedule when Calendar events are sent out

Currently, the Calendar sends out emails to families immediately when an event is created (if you select whom the event is for). If a center wants to log an entire year's events, then parents will get large quantity of emails. If centers could sch...
Kami Lee about 24 hours ago in Online Ideas Workspace / OL - Calendar 1

Report for Daily Activities

Many customers want to generate reports for daily activities. This is needed for when they have to share information with individuals outside of their staff, such as licensing or court orders. This is also useful for customers switching from OL to...
Kelly Kohlhagen about 1 hour ago in Online Ideas Workspace / OL - Reports 1

Toggle a Registration form to be for Leads or Active Students

BAM 74496643 created a lengthy form for Leads in the Registration section. Now she needs to be able to share the same form with Active Students. If she copies the form, it is still for Leads. There is no way to toggle it to be for Active Students....
Kami Lee 7 days ago in Online Ideas Workspace / OL - Leads 0

Event sign-up capabilities

Many centers love using engagement to communicate with their parents. Customers have asked for the ability to have a live sign-up form to things like potlucks and class parties. Right now, they have to use another program like Signup Genius - it'd...
Courtney Iversen 10 days ago in Online Ideas Workspace / OL - Calendar 1

Modernize Introducing MyProcare (MP01) Template

The Introducing Myprocare letter (MP01) is outdated. The branding displays the old Tucker, and the verbiage for the buttons parents are to press is incorrect. Additionally, there is no mention of viewing financial reports on
Zachary Keith 10 days ago in Procare Desktop / Internal Facing 0 In Review

Cleaning Check List addition to the Procare App

Would it be possible in much like the incident form that there could be a cleaning log/ checklist that could be added so that we could keep track of the classroom cleaning notes in procare?
Guest 3 minutes ago in Desktop User Suggestions 0

Report Request to assist with CACFP reporting

Please see attached document that provides specific details.
Michelle Lackey about 1 hour ago in SCW 0

Collapse messages

Center would like the ability to collapse messages so they do not have to go through 5 or 6 pages of messages when they send out a message. They stated they miss messages at times because the parent does not show up at the top of the list.
Ali Knapp about 1 hour ago in Online Ideas Workspace / OL - Parent Messaging 0

Opt out of pop ups in app

Center is frustrated that pop ups continue to show up on every screen they move to after clicking the X on the message. They would like a feature where they can opt out of pop up messages
Ali Knapp about 1 hour ago in Online Ideas Workspace / Other 0

When you send the center a copy of an email to a parent about how a payment can't be processed, include the name of the family. Those of us who get the email at the corporate level can't search companywide by email address (which is another suggestion).

If we can't identify the parent we can't follow up.
Guest about 3 hours ago in Desktop User Suggestions 0